Sunday 16 January 2011

Wired for Joy!

Just reading a fascinating book: The Pathway by Laurel Mellin. Her next book is called Wired for Joy....and I can't wait to read that one! Her thesis is very similar to the philosophy behind Lightning Process: it is possible to re-train our brains to produce balance and joy in our that we can become, over time 'Wired for Joy'.

As a medic, Mellin, draws on research that supports the notion that it is possible to re-wire our brains; that neural plasticity is alive and well. What I particularly like about Mellin's approach is her focus on the two skills of nurturing and setting limits. She suggests that people who resort to external solutions and un-helpful patterns such as food, over-work, perfectionism, alcohol, drugs etc have failed to learn two basic and essential skills: nurturing themselves adequately and setting reasonable limits. The good news is that we can learn to do this, whatever age and stage we are at.

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