Friday 9 December 2011

The BIG Picture

I've had a couple of weeks of interesting reading and experiences. Sometimes I experience things, then find a context or paradigm in which to understand them, and sometimes I have a cognitive understanding of something but the experience comes later. Recent influences have been The Wisdom Jesus by Cynthia Bourgeault, Laurel Mellin's The Pathway, Genpo Roshi's Big Mind and the funeral of a close friend.

I've been musing in the past few weeks about the different ways of 'being' in the world. It seems I have two options for the way I operate. The first way is to operate from a point where 'I' am the starting point, and my 'story', my 'perspective', my 'beliefs' become paramount, and consequently define my feelings and actions. For example, if someone shouts at me I can respond by thinking something along the lines of: 'How dare you shout at me? What have I done? I don't deserve to be shouted at?' And so on. William Blake expresses the consequences of this approach neatly in his poem 'Poison Tree'. 

The point to note about this is that 'I' and 'Me' take centre stage'; it is about the preservation - at all costs - of ego. 

The other way is interesting, and in some senses counter-intuitive. It involves stepping back from self, and into a bigger picture. As I do this I begin to lose my 'story' of what is happening. The more I do it the smaller my 'story' becomes and the less-identified I become with it. As I step into the much bigger picture, at this point I become limited by my language. We could call this bigger picture God, or the Universe, or Christ Consciousness, or Enlightnement.....but I prefer to simply use the word that is what it feels like. It doesn't feel like a neutral state, a sort of taking out of gear, but a positive, energy-filled, aliveness of celebration and love. 

In this state the old dualistic way of experiencing life disappears....there is no 'me' and 'you' ...there is simply one-ness. Judgement and justification melt away.....

Having experienced this a few times, and noticed the way it changes everything in my perceptual world, I am intrigued by the ways in which I can move into the big picture increasingly easily, no matter what else is going on. My current entry points to this expanded state include prayer (ritual and silent), meditation (again my version of it involves nothing rather than focusing on something), conscious choice, active acceptance, music, chanting, sharing with others. 

It's a bit early for New Year's resolutions......but I think the BIG picture is one I want to cultivate in 2012!


  1. How interesting. I have just posted a top tips for January about this very subject. Care is needed in this however because otherwise 'one' could 'feel' everyone's pain in this 'oneness' which could end up being a burden instead of a relief and delight in being one. Do you know what I mean?

  2. Interesting point. My experience is that going into a state of 'oneness' transcends pain - both one's own and others. The funeral/celebration of a close friend was an example of this. Do you remember Jill Bolte-Taylor's description of having a stroke which affected her left hemisphere? When she experienced life from RH she simply experienced a state of bliss. So what we might be looking at here is operation from different brain hemishperes. One of the books on my reading list is Iain Gilchrist's 'The Master and His Emissary' which I hope is going to elucidate the hemisphere issue further!
