Sunday 15 May 2011

Using NLP to deal with a cold....and work!

I was interested to read Justin Collinge's post in the latest Kaizen newsletter. This was a departure from Justin's usual contributions, in that he chose to write it in poetry. He has very kindly agreed to let me post it here. Another example of how we can use these fascinating NLP tools to enable us to live positive, fruitful lives. Here is Justin on colds......

"We know we're not at the mercy of how we feel and can choose our state. Just how much choice do we have? Below is a recount of a recent training event where I was faced with the chance to test this:

The night before
I’d gone to bed sore
My throat on fire and my nose red raw.
The cold had been stalking me
And now, like a grinning gargoyle,
I welcome them back to day three
With great expectations,
hope and elations,
and a few reservations
they sat and they waited
for me to share my wisdom.
But my strength soaked away
like rain on dry ground
I found
I was shaking.
With my head full of cloud
there was no mistaking
I should be in bed
not in front of this crowd.

Then I recalled
that I could change my state.
Though my energy was stalled
I could create
the strength I needed,
and could choose how to feel
it wasn’t just ‘fate’.
Physiology – my shoulders back, and I breathe deep,
Put a smile on my face which I keep
as I step onto the floor.
Focus – not on my tale of woe,
I transfer my attention where I need it to go
On the eager faces and their readiness to throw
themselves in and learn even more.
Language – As I started, I choose not to bore
with tales of sickness
and nasal ickiness
But spoke of health and happiness -
And suddenly it wasn’t a chore.

The day went well,
and the evaluations were as good as any I’d ever got
My ailing health I simply forgot
and the show went on.
It was about half way home I remembered again
how I wasn’t well and my aching brain,
and nose, and throat - and now chest as well
needed looking after.
I no longer needed to excel
so I struggled home and took to my bed
Aware somewhere inside it was,
at least partly,
all in my head!"

Lovely blend of managing our state .... and common sense. We have a choice. Hope the last bit included a hot toddy....

If you'd like to find out more about Justin and the Kaizen team you can find them at 

1 comment:

  1. Used this technique today. Went to a "Step Class" Nothing wrong with my body!, just a head cold.
    Drove home in the glorious Autumn lucky to be alive!
