Thursday 18 August 2011

Saying YES to Life!

It was a gorgeous sunny evening yesterday, and I was sitting on the quay at Mylor Harbour enjoying a drink, watching the sun go down, and thinking the usual, 'I'm so lucky to live in Cornwall,' thoughts, when I was approached by a boy. Maybe he was about 9 or 10.

'Are you the wife of the gentleman who is currently walking to the car park? He says you produce rather fine cuisine.'

Well, it seemed not entirely out of the question that I was said wife. So I answererd in the affirmative.

'He thought you would like to know that we have been collecting razor clams and are selling them at a rather enticing price.'

'Really? What are razor clams?'

He explained slowly so I could follow him.

'So how do you cook them?'

Another patient explanation followed.....and at the end he threw in the useful tip that they are really quite delicious with olive oil and garlic. Hmmm.

'So would you like to buy some? 10 for £1 or the whole lot - at least 100 for £10.' intriguing. I looked at the boy who held a large bucket of clams, and at his younger sister who held the smaller bucket.

'Why, yes. I would love to buy 10 razor clams!'

The younger sister, clearly a new counter, carefully extracted one razor clam at a time from her bucket and placed them on my hand, counting each one out loud. The brother produced a poly bag to put them in, and then I produced a £1 coin.

'Thank you. It's been a pleasure to do business with you,' he declared.

He shook my hand, and they took their buckets and their clams and wandered off......

Love this saying yes to life stuff.....all sorts of interesting experiences ensue. Razor clams for lunch ....and I think I might have met a future winner of 'The Apprentice'!

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